Healthify Solutions Inc. is developing a wristband that monitors the health of truck drivers and pilots. The wristband is a key component of their health monitoring system designed to improve driver safety and promote preventive health measures in the Canadian trucking industry.
Here is a description of the wearable technology and how it integrates into their system:
The wristband is purchased ready-made from suppliers and adapted for use with Healthify's software system.
Healthify requests manufacturers to make firmware and communication adjustments to ensure compatibility with their software.
The wristband features electronic components such as:
BLE MCU (Bluetooth Low Energy Microcontroller Unit)
LED Display
Optical Heart Rate Sensor
Gyro Sensor
The wristband collects various health data directly from the wearer's body, including:
Heart rate
Body temperature
Sleep patterns
Distance travelled
Calories burned
Physical activity
​The data is transmitted every 10 minutes via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to the user's smartphone. This ensures continuous monitoring without distracting the driver.
Software Integration
A dedicated mobile app installed on the driver's smartphone receives the data transmitted from the wristband.
The app processes the data and sends the results to a cloud-based database, referred to as the Third-Party Cloud (TPC).
This cloud database is accessible by transportation company operators through the Central Monitoring System (CMS), enabling them to monitor driver health in real time.
Data Analysis & Preventive Health
Healthify's software system incorporates an algorithm that analyses the data from the wristband, taking into account factors like:
Driver's daily travel history (from their Electronic Logging Device)
Weather conditions (from online databases)
Route information
Type of load being transported
Truck's mechanical condition
Driver's personal and medical information
Driver's driving history
The software system can provide suggestions for reducing stress based on this data analysis.
By combining real-time health data with other relevant information, the system aims to identify potential health risks and enable timely intervention. This promotes preventive health measures, reduces the likelihood of accidents caused by driver fatigue or health complications, and ultimately enhances safety in the trucking industry.​
Healthify Solutions Inc.'s Wearable Technology
Healthify Solutions Inc. aims to distinguish itself from competitors by offering a health monitoring system that goes beyond basic fitness tracking. By integrating various data points and providing preventive health suggestions, they are positioning their wearable technology as a comprehensive solution for improving driver well-being and safety in the Canadian trucking industry.
Key Features and Benefits
Preventive Health
The product aims to identify potential health problems early on and encourage preventative measures, leading to improved driver health and reduced risk of accidents.
Real-Time Monitoring
The system continuously tracks driver health data, enabling early detection of any issues and faster responses to emergencies.​
Integration with ELDs
The system will be compatible with Canada's Electronic Logging Device mandate, ensuring regulatory compliance and seamless data integration.
Uniqueness in The Market
Healthify highlights that no other company offers a similar system tailored specifically to the needs of truck drivers and transportation companies.
Road Transportation
Trucking Companies
Healthify aims to partner with these companies to implement preventive health measures for their drivers.
Healthify plans to demonstrate the effectiveness of its product in reducing accidents
Government of Canada
Healthcare Organizations
Healthify will present its product as a solution for implementing preventive health at a national level.